Announcing Publication of “THE CHOICE, the unexpected heroes” Blog Tour! @gmplano #RRBC #RWISA @4WillsPub


Jim Anderson is one of the principal characters in THE CHOICE.

He is a former air force pilot and is disabled. He works in the Public Relations office on base. In this scene, Jim is talking with Donna Tucker, a civilian who has come to the base to learn more about the death of her friend, Sarah O’Brien. Donna breaks the silence as they walk together.

“You remember when we first met, what you said to me? About losing your leg while others seem to have lost much more. I don’t think I understood.”

“I’ve simply lost a leg. Yeah, it’s a burden and constant reminder of a reality most don’t know. But many people lose their life over and over again. They give up, let fear control them, or run from challenges. They lose the one life they are given, not once but many times over. If the military taught me anything, it was you don’t give up; you embrace life. It’s the one thing you can claim as your own.”

“That’s powerful stuff. You’d make a great teacher.”

“Interesting you should say that; I have thought about it. Perhaps someday.”


Growing up in Southern California, Gwen Plano loved learning. She earned four degrees and taught and served in universities and colleges across the country and in Japan. Now retired, she is focused on writing. Gwen’s first book, Letting Go into Perfect Love, is a memoir. Her second book, The Contract, is a thriller co-authored by John W. Howell. Gwen lives in the Midwest with her husband, and when she is not writing, she is traveling, usually to see one of her four children and many grandchildren.  





Twitter: @gmplano

Facebook: @GwendolynMPlano


To follow along with the rest of the tour,

please visit the author’s tour page 

on the 4WillsPublishing site. 


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and have your book promoted in similar grand fashion,

please click HERE.  

Lastly, Gwen is a member of the best book club ever–


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Welcome to the “PREY FOR THE DEAD” Blog Tour! @SusanneLeist @4WillsPub #RRBC

On day 4 of her tour,

say hello to my guest blogger,

author Susanne Leist!


A little about me:

When someone asked me to contribute an article on my life to an author’s blog, I panicked. What should I write? I’m a listener. I listen to other people’s problems and stories. I’m a good listener. But I don’t enjoy speaking about myself. But now I’m a writer, and I must move into the spotlight.

I’ve done a few interviews on fellow authors’ blogs. Their questions served as guidelines. Now I have a blank page in front of me. Should I delve into why I became a writer? People have done this. Instead, I’ll write who inspired me. The person who I loved and admired most and then lost too soon: my brother, Neil Leist.

Neil lit up a room when he entered it. He was six feet two inches, but it wasn’t his height that drew others’ eyes. It was his dynamic personality and his intelligence. Those gray eyes mirrored his capacity for greatness. He acted as my father when my father wasn’t home but worked days and nights as a taxi driver. Only eleven years older than me, Neil took care of my blind mother and helped raise me. He shouldered heavy burdens early in his life.

My brother did well in college but flourished in the business world. He traded on the Commodity Exchange until he earned enough money to take over a Fortune 500 company. With a majority share in its stock, he became the CEO of American Bakeries. Neil brought me with him on his rise to stardom. I worked for him on the Exchange and at his offices on Madison Ave. I majored in Finance at New York University, prepared to join him. My parents were proud of him. Life was perfect until the phone call in the middle of the night.

The light in my life dimmed as I fell into darkness as dark as my mother’s. My brother had been in a car accident in the Hamptons. His red Porsche hydroplaned on the wet road. Neil was a good driver with quick reflexes. He drove the car off the road and onto the grass. Luck wasn’t with him that night. Someone had parked a truck in the grass, and the Porsche crashed beneath it.

Neil lingered in a coma for two years before he died. Meanwhile, his so-called friends at American Bakeries undermined his position at the company by causing the stock price to plummet. We sold his investment in the company in one big chunk and at a significant loss. We made the company’s executives pay for what they did. I spent eight long years dealing with finance people and lawyers.

After this experience, I lost my taste for high Finance. I received an M.B.A. in Finance. But I couldn’t return to the markets. Instead, I turned to the one passion in life I had never explored: my love for reading and writing stories. And The Dead Game was born. I used poetry to promote my book. Now I’m hooked on poetry. My stories and poetry are dark and twisted. This year I released the second book in The Dead Game Series, Prey for the Dead. It is just as twisted and intense as the first book.

My life has taken unexpected twists and turns. I wasnt happy with Finance, even in the beginning. I did it as a challenge. I wanted to do well in a male-dominated field. And now I have a new mission. I want to prove to myself I could become a good author. And I believe I’m well on my way.

Thank you for listening,

Susanne Leist

This picture was taken when Neil met with Mayor Koch concerning the opening of additional American Bakeries’ factories in New York.




I have always loved to read. Agatha Christie, Alistair Maclean, Robert Ludlum, and many other authors filled my young imagination with intrigue and mystery. When I wasn’t reading late into the night, the TV shows—Murder, She Wrote and Columbo—entertained me with tales of murder and suspense.

Over the years, my taste in TV expanded to include such shows as Supernatural and The Originals. I searched for paranormal murder mysteries but found few at the library or bookstore. So, I wrote one.

A career in writing has been a big leap for me. Accustomed to the number-crunching field of budgeting and the hectic commodity markets, I left my first career and M.B.A. in Finance behind to pursue my dream. I do not regret my foray into literature for one moment. Fellow authors helped me make my way through the competitive field. I write every day and even tried my hand at poetry. If someone tells you it’s too late in life to try something different, they are wrong. It is never too late to follow your heart.

The Dead Game is the first book in The Dead Game Series. It brings fantasy and the surreal to the classic murder mystery with dead bodies, suspects, and clues. It offers vampires, vampire derivatives, and a touch of romance to give spice to the mix. Once you read The Dead Game, you will never look at a dead body the same way.

In Book Two, Prey for The Dead, the suspense continues as The Dead use an exclusive club in Disney World and infiltrate the rich and famous. The Dead grow in power, and not even the sun or the swamps of Florida can weaken them. Lindamy main characterand her friends join with the human vampires or hybrids to defeat the evil forces threatening to control their town.

I hope you enjoy my books. The third book of The Dead Game Series is waiting for me to write.




Book trailer:












To follow along with the rest of the tour, please visit the author’s tour page on the 4WillsPublishing site.  If you’d like to book your own blog tour and have your book promoted in similar grand fashion, please click HERE.  

Lastly, Susanne is a member of the best book club ever – RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB #RRBC! If you’re looking for amazing support as an author, or if you simply love books, JOIN US! We’d love to have you!

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this author and her work!  

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Welcome to the “VAGARIES OF LIFE” Blog Tour! @Jinlobify #4WillsPub #RRBC #RWISA

Hello to guest blogger Joy Nwosu Lo-Bamijoko!


Welcome to the Vagaries of Life Blog Tour

@Jinlobify#4WillsPub #RRBC


Day 2:

This is the second day of my ten days tour. Like I already said, ten days is a very long time to be on a tour, and I know how hard and even boring it could be to visit all the stops. But I am spicing things up with this tour. Today, I have another randomly chosen short snippet from another story in my tour book.

The Rules:

I will choose only three winners from the correct matches. The winner with nine correct matches will be gifted with a $15 Amazon gift card and an eBook copy of your choice from any of my books. The second with eight correct matches will be gifted with a $10 Amazon gift card and an eBook copy of your choice from my books. The third winner with seven correct matches will be with gifted a $5. Amazon gift card and an eBook copy of your choice from my books.
Now the catch! If you follow the tour and read the snippets, I would hope that you would buy and read the complete stories and leave a review of the book after the tour.
This tour is supported by another of my books; Pregnant Future. If you want to read that one too, that will be great. However, the focus will be on Vagaries of Life: And Girls’ Talk. Good reading!

Snippet 2:

The creepy bugger would disappear for days and then suddenly return. This time, it seemed that he had taken to sneaking back, only at night, hungry, in search of food.

Not finding the usual rats we fed him, he had taken to stealing our eggs. We knew he must have tried to get the chickens, but our chickens had learned to fly out of his reach, leaving their eggs open for him to swallow. We’d heard our chickens squawking recently in the middle of the night, but no one thought anything of it.

“Okay,” said Mom, “this snake has got to go. For now, he eats our food, but who knows what he will be eating next, or whom.”

Mom was right, of course. Our pet python had turned into a hunter, and not safe to be in our compound anymore. We poked him with a long pole until he fell off our fence. He left and never came back again.


About the Author

Joy Nwosu Lo-Bamijoko

Joy has written and published extensively on national and international scholarly journals, magazines, and newspapers. Her first short story I Come from Utopia was published in African Voices, Spring/Summer, 2007, pg. 18. Since then, she has published numerous others in RAVE SOUP FOR THE WRITER’S SOUL Anthology, Vols. 1 & 2.

Mirror of Our Lives: Voices of Four Igbo Women was published in 2011 and was shortlisted for the Commonwealth Book Contest in 2012. She has also two books published in the Italian language. The First titled: Io Odio, Tu Odi, & Cinema E Africa Nera, are both by Edizione, Tindalo.

The Legend of the Walking Dead: Igbo Mythologies, is a journey into the mysteries of life and death of the Igbos of Nigeria was published in 2014

In Pregnant Future: No One Knows What Tomorrow Will Bring, her latest Novel, Justina is the story of every young woman who found herself alone in the world to fend for herself. It is the story of the pitfalls that await such a woman. It is the story of survival

Her latest book, A collection of Short Stories, titled: Vagaries of Life: And Girls’ Talk was published in December, 2018.

Links to my Social Network:

 My Web Site





Pregnant Future – Blurb

 Justina was a fighter. And, although it seemed the world was against her and her future was destined for failure …she persevered in the face of it all.

The future that was being thrown in her face, was not the one she had dreams of …and if she wanted to get her feet on the right path, she was going to have to show the world her strength. But, does she?

Will she have the will to make it to the end, unscarred?

What would you do if you knew what the future had in store for you?

Would you run towards it with open arms, or would you run away and never look back?

Justina must make a choice …before life chooses for her.

To follow along with the rest of the tour, please visit the author’s tour page on the 4WillsPublishing site.  If you’d like to book your own blog tour and have your book promoted in similar grand fashion, please click HERE.  

Lastly, Joy is a member of the best book club ever – RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB {#RRBC}! If you’re looking for amazing support as an author, or if you simply love books, JOIN US! We’d love to have you!

Thanks for supporting this author and her work!  



Welcome to “SONGS OF HEARTSTRINGS” Blog Tour! @MHurdle112 #4WillsPub #RRBC

Welcome to Guest Blogger Miriam Hurdle on her 4WillsPublishing Blog Tour for Songs of Heartstrings!


From Miriam Hurdle:


This is Day 6 of “Songs of Heartstrings” Blog Tour. I want to thank 4WillsPublishing for setting up the tour and my host, Stephen Geez, for having me here.

This poetry collection includes nine themes: Songs of Nature, Songs of Dissonance, Songs of Physical Healing, Songs of Marriage, Songs of Parenthood, Songs of Tribute, Songs of Reflections, Songs of Challenge, and Songs of Inspiration. Each of these themes covers various aspects of my life experience. Many poems are illustrated with my photos and watercolor paintings.

Songs of Heartstrings received a 5-Star review from Readers’ Favorite:

Other book reviews are available on Amazon: 



Highlighted Prose and Poem from Songs of Tribute: “Mom and Dad,” “RIP Randy,” and “Healthy Grieving”:


Mom and Dad

When my parents were in their mid-eighties, Mom had many health problems. She had cataracts in both eyes, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.

The time Mom needed to have cataract surgery, Dad took her to the doctor. Her eyes hurt so much that she couldn’t open them to see while walking to the bus station. Dad held her hands, guided her step by step. When they boarded the bus, Dad guided Mom by walking backward to board the bus, clearing the way for Mom to get in. His compassion toward Mom deeply touched my heart.

In their generation, they didn’t verbalize “I love you!” What Dad did to show his love toward Mom was worth more than ten thousand words!


R.I.P. Randy

January 10, 2016


I remember on January 3, 2016, Randy joined us to celebrate my husband’s birthday. We had lunch and saw Star Wars at Irvine Spectrum. It was on Saturday.

The following Sunday, eight days later, his relative came over to tell us that Randy had a mountain bike accident. He and a gym buddy ventured on a long mountain bike ride. The bike hit a big gap and made a somersault flip. He got thrown off the bike, fell forward and hit the ground, and smashed his head and face. They rushed him to the close-by emergency room, but pronounced him dead as soon as the ambulance reached the hospital.

Randy was our neighbor who lived two doors down the street. He was my husband’s best friend for twelve years ever since he came back to live with his parents. They worked out at the gym together. They enjoyed the Friday movie and pizza day for a while.

After my husband got a mountain bike, he also got one. They biked on the trails in the city. On special occasions, a barbecue dinner was in order. He came over to our house for game nights regularly. A year before he passed away, they switched to another restaurant to hang out in the bar, and I became their designated driver.

Randy was a lighthearted guy. People recognized him by his jolly laugh. High school friends and childhood friends were in his company. What impressed me the most was the way he took care of people. He took care of his ex-mother-in-law every weekend for years, driving an hour each way. When she lost the ability to take care of herself, he helped her to move into a convalescent home close to him. On holidays, he would bring her home to spend time together. He did that until she died.

The last person he took care of was his mom. His dad died years ago. The doctor diagnosed his mom with ALS or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. He took care of her to the point when she only communicated with her eye movements.

After his mom died, he held an estate sale to clean up the house. He had the house painted and got new furniture. It seemed like he had time to relax and take care of himself. We teased him that his life had just begun.

Who would have thought God took him home right there and then, so he would have his eternal rest? We miss you, Randy! Whatever questions you might have had in life, you are sitting down with Jesus, face to face, and have your answers now!


Healthy Grieving

Randy and my husband were true friends.

No appointment needed for

a barbeque, a movie or a game, just

knocked on each other’s door.

The conversation could go anywhere,

no worry about apologies.

When one needed a helping hand,

the other one is always there.

Twelve years was a long time,

such true friendship rarely came by.

People say, “Big boys don’t cry.”

I don’t know why.

Boys have emotion as we all do.

My husband had never cried,

not until after Randy died.


Miriam Hurdle is a multi-genre writer. She writes poetry, flash fiction, and short stories and memoir. Her poems are included in Letters to Gaia, Whispers and Echoes Issue 2, Whispers and Echoes Issue 3, Outcast, and More Words.

She is passionate about poetry. Her favorite poets are Robert Frost with his poem “The Road Not Taken,” and Linda Pastan with her poem “To a Daughter Leaving Home.”

She is a member of, and her poetry may be read on the websites.

Music has rooted in her life. Being a soloist as a teenager led her to taking voice lessons and to have ongoing singing engagements. She continues to sing soprano in choral groups. Lyrics have a major influence in the natural flow of her melodic writing. She writes memoir in the form of poetry.

Along with her brother, she took photos when the films were black and white. Photography is still her enjoyable hobby. Drawing and painting were fun activities as a child. Her favorite was to draw a Japanese girl with big eyes, long hair, small lips and chin. She resumed drawing and watercolor painting several years ago. In her poetry collection, photos and paintings are included to illustrate the poems.

She earned a Doctorate of Education from the University of La Verne in California. After two years of rehabilitation counseling, fifteen years of public-school teaching, and ten years in school-district administration, she retired and enjoys life with her husband in southern California.

Links to Purchase the Book

Amazon Universal Link: 

Amazon UK Link: Link: 


Contact the Author

Amazon Author Page:






To follow along with the rest of the tour, please visit the author’s tour page on the 4WillsPublishing site.  If you’d like to book your own blog tour and have your book promoted in similar grand fashion, please click HERE.  

Lastly, Miriam is a member of the best book club ever – RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB {#RRBC}! If you’re looking for amazing support as an author, or if you simply love books, JOIN US! We’d love to have you!


Welcome to “THE BUTTON” Blog Tour! @DLFinnAuthor #4WillsPub #RWISA #RRBC

Guest Blog Post by Author D.L. Finn! Comment below and win! Woohoo!


The Button Idea.

The “idea” for this book was a question from my husband.

“Do you still have that F*** off and Die button?”

“Yes, I do.”

He laughed when I handed it to him.

It had been tucked away in my closet for years (without the asterisks). It’s a reminder of the “old” me. The one who might have pushed some boundaries. The one with an attitude.

I found this button in Berkeley in the late ’70s or early ’80s. It made me laugh, so I bought it. No, I didn’t wear it on my purse like Lynn in “The Button,” but the message might have been my mindset for a while. Lynn was more forward with her button, but then she had more to deal with than I had.

Now, I have a big collection of buttons in my laundry room. They tell the history of my life and the life around me. I still add to them when I find just the right button with a saying that makes me laugh, a “hey that’s right,” or a memory. I may have lost a few buttons over the years before I realized I was collecting them.

The day when I was asked if I still had this button, I found myself joking: “I should write a book based on it.”

We might have laughed, but the idea stuck. That rebellious side of me woke up and created Lynn. She was far more rebellious than the book showed–she wanted me to tone it down a bit.

Then other ideas started to form. I wanted a character who grew up in an abusive household which Lynn took on. I had some knowledge to bring to the story, too. Then the angel, Zelina, insisted on being with Lynn back in 1976 when she was in a coma. With Zelina came another evildwel and an angel-in-training, Thomas. Zelina made “The Button” a kind of prequel to “This Second Chance” but with a different tone.

“The Button” is not as much of a love story as it is a survival story although there is love, too. After my input Lynn completely took over the story. I’m not sure I would have made some of the decisions she did.

I must point out this is fictional–besides the button. Even the things that did happen didn’t happen the way they did in “The Button.”

So yes, I wrote a book based on a question about a button. And after much reflection, there are no asterisks in my book.


The Button Tour Giveaway: Comment and you can win!

The Button Blog Tour Prizes: 

2- “The Button” Kindle Format

$5 Amazon Gift Card

1-“The Button” Signed Paperback and Book Marker


 D.L. Finn is an independent California local, who encourages everyone to embrace their inner child. She was born and raised in the foggy Bay Area, but in 1990 relocated with her husband, kids, dogs and cats to the Sierra foothills in Nevada City, CA.  She immersed herself in reading all types of books, but especially loved romance, horror and fantasy. She always treasured creating her own reality on paper. Finally, being surrounded by towering pines, oaks and cedars, her creativity was cradled until it bloomed. Her creations vary from children’s books, young adult fantasy, adult paranormal romance to an autobiography with poetry. She continues on her adventure with an open invitation to her readers to join her.

D.L. Finn Links:


Facebook  /   Instagram

Pinterest  /   D.L. Finn blog

Purchase Links:

Amazon   /    Barnes & Noble


To follow along with the rest of the tour, please visit the author’s tour page on the 4WillsPublishing site.  If you’d like to book your own blog tour and have your book promoted in similar grand fashion, please click HERE.  

Lastly, D.L. is a member of the best book club ever – RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB {#RRBC} and she’s also a member of the very elite, RAVE WRITERS -INT’L SOCIETY OF AUTHORS {RWISA}! If you’re looking for amazing support as an author, or if you simply love books, JOIN US! We’d love to have you!

Thanks for supporting this author and her work!

Guest Post by Author Karl J. Morgan, The Sleeping One Blog Tour

Welcome to


Blog Tour!




Character Interview- Barbara Conway

Author Karl J. Morgan (KM) interviews character Barbara Conway:

KM: Barbara, how did you meet Carl Prescott?

BC: Just call me Barbie. All my friends do. I’d seen Carl in the dining hall with his friends many times. I always thought he was super cute, but since he’s a couple years younger than me, I passed it off. Weeks later, the school held their annual celebration of the birth of the founder, Bertrand Aloysius Thorndike. I was at the carnival and riding the roller coaster with one of my girlfriends when I noticed the carousel was spinning much too fast. Just then, the frame of the roller coaster buckled. I thought we’d all die for sure. That’s when I noticed Carl rushing over. He pushed the structure back up straight. How could he do that? I mean he’s just a kid.

KM: Do you know his friends, Grace, Aida, and Burt?

BC: Yeah, but I’m not sure I want to talk about those girls. You see, I have this talent called the Succubus.

KM: Like in old mythology?

BC: Sort of. Headmaster Greenleaf of the Masterson Academy told me about it years ago. With that talent, men are instantly attracted to me. Geez, I’m blushing just talking about it. If I smile, wink, or flirt with someone, they can become obsessed with me. Not that I would do that. Greenleaf even said that if I French kiss a man, I can enslave him or block parts of his memory. Isn’t that freaky?

Of course, that’s why I don’t want to talk about Grace or Aida. Honestly, I love to flirt with boys and like the attention. Sometimes, that will really upset the girls who like the same guy. It’s like I have an unfair advantage or something.

You know, now that I think about it, Carl probably has the Incubus talent, which is the same except for a male. I wonder if that’s why I’ve always found him so adorable and kissable.

KM: How many talents are there, and how many do you have?

BC: Do you know about the hidden storeroom in the Gratia Dei Hall?

KM: I can’t say that I do.

BC: Well, Aida Whitehall discovered that room. Inside were lots of bookcases and boxes of stuff from previous faculty and students. I found this book called Gadson’s Talent Checklist. It listed one hundred talents, so I suppose there are that many. Headmaster Dorchester has told me that besides the Succubus thing, I also have the Transformist talent. Carl told me he believes we all have all of the talents. We just haven’t accepted our greatness yet. You know how sweet he is, but I’m not sure I can believe that. He has promised to help teach me, but so far he’s been too busy.

KM: Who is your favorite teacher at Thorndike?

BC: Professor Thorndike, no doubt about it. Did you know the founder is his four times great grandfather? The professor is also Burt’s great grandfather. He’s like a hundred years old, but still spry and funny. His classes are always entertaining, even if he’s teaching something mundane like English literature. It’s like taking a class from your own granddad.

KM: Is there anything else you’d like to tell our audience today, Barbie?

BC: No, but there’s something you can tell me.

KM: What’s that?

BC: I’m a small part of this book.

KM: Small, but invaluable.

BC: Thanks. Will I have a larger role in the next book? I think I can handle it.

KM: I know you can, and yes you do have a large role in Carl Prescott and the Demon Queen. We don’t want the audience to get too many clues though.

BC: I can’t wait.

Kindle from

With a long career in finance and as author of almost twenty books, I like to say that words and numbers are my life.

I have had a lifelong fascination with stories in the science fiction and fantasy genres, whether it was the Tom Swift novels by Victor Appleton I read as a young boy, or television like Lost in Space and Star Trek. More recently, I have devoured film series like Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Lord of the Rings. That fascination is combined with a keen interest in cosmology, astrophysics, quantum physics, and spirituality.

That quirky combination along with the fantasy genre allows me to craft stories that reinforce the importance of family, friendship, and love. The protagonists must overcome incredible danger and challenges to survive their journeys, but eventually end up on top. It goes without saying that as a finance guy, my life has been less action-packed than my characters (thank goodness).

With Carl Prescott and The Sleeping One, I ventured back to comfortable territory. Many of my stories reinforce our direct connection to the Divine. While that is an element of this story, the sequels feature that relationship to a much greater extent. That element in my stories is an homage to what I believe really matters in this life.

I am the son of an Air Force pilot and as such, I have lived in many places, never for more than four years at a time. Thankfully, as an adult, I have lived in Chula Vista, CA for the past thirty-seven years. I met and married Aida, the love of my life, thirty years ago. Our grown children have made us grandparents four times over. It is a blessing to be around such wonderful parents and children.

My new goal is life is my stories. I hope you can follow me on this new adventure.


Book on Amazon:


Amazon author page:


Twitter handle: @karljmorgan


To follow along with the rest of the tour, please visit the author’s tour page on the 4WillsPublishing site.  If you’d like to book your own blog tour and have your book promoted in similar grand fashion, please click HERE.  

Lastly, Karl is a member of the best book club ever – RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB #RRBC! If you’re looking for amazing support as an author, or if you simply love books, JOIN US! We’d love to have you!

Thanks for supporting Karl J. Morgan and his work!