Guest Post by Author Karl J. Morgan, The Sleeping One Blog Tour

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Character Interview- Barbara Conway

Author Karl J. Morgan (KM) interviews character Barbara Conway:

KM: Barbara, how did you meet Carl Prescott?

BC: Just call me Barbie. All my friends do. I’d seen Carl in the dining hall with his friends many times. I always thought he was super cute, but since he’s a couple years younger than me, I passed it off. Weeks later, the school held their annual celebration of the birth of the founder, Bertrand Aloysius Thorndike. I was at the carnival and riding the roller coaster with one of my girlfriends when I noticed the carousel was spinning much too fast. Just then, the frame of the roller coaster buckled. I thought we’d all die for sure. That’s when I noticed Carl rushing over. He pushed the structure back up straight. How could he do that? I mean he’s just a kid.

KM: Do you know his friends, Grace, Aida, and Burt?

BC: Yeah, but I’m not sure I want to talk about those girls. You see, I have this talent called the Succubus.

KM: Like in old mythology?

BC: Sort of. Headmaster Greenleaf of the Masterson Academy told me about it years ago. With that talent, men are instantly attracted to me. Geez, I’m blushing just talking about it. If I smile, wink, or flirt with someone, they can become obsessed with me. Not that I would do that. Greenleaf even said that if I French kiss a man, I can enslave him or block parts of his memory. Isn’t that freaky?

Of course, that’s why I don’t want to talk about Grace or Aida. Honestly, I love to flirt with boys and like the attention. Sometimes, that will really upset the girls who like the same guy. It’s like I have an unfair advantage or something.

You know, now that I think about it, Carl probably has the Incubus talent, which is the same except for a male. I wonder if that’s why I’ve always found him so adorable and kissable.

KM: How many talents are there, and how many do you have?

BC: Do you know about the hidden storeroom in the Gratia Dei Hall?

KM: I can’t say that I do.

BC: Well, Aida Whitehall discovered that room. Inside were lots of bookcases and boxes of stuff from previous faculty and students. I found this book called Gadson’s Talent Checklist. It listed one hundred talents, so I suppose there are that many. Headmaster Dorchester has told me that besides the Succubus thing, I also have the Transformist talent. Carl told me he believes we all have all of the talents. We just haven’t accepted our greatness yet. You know how sweet he is, but I’m not sure I can believe that. He has promised to help teach me, but so far he’s been too busy.

KM: Who is your favorite teacher at Thorndike?

BC: Professor Thorndike, no doubt about it. Did you know the founder is his four times great grandfather? The professor is also Burt’s great grandfather. He’s like a hundred years old, but still spry and funny. His classes are always entertaining, even if he’s teaching something mundane like English literature. It’s like taking a class from your own granddad.

KM: Is there anything else you’d like to tell our audience today, Barbie?

BC: No, but there’s something you can tell me.

KM: What’s that?

BC: I’m a small part of this book.

KM: Small, but invaluable.

BC: Thanks. Will I have a larger role in the next book? I think I can handle it.

KM: I know you can, and yes you do have a large role in Carl Prescott and the Demon Queen. We don’t want the audience to get too many clues though.

BC: I can’t wait.

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With a long career in finance and as author of almost twenty books, I like to say that words and numbers are my life.

I have had a lifelong fascination with stories in the science fiction and fantasy genres, whether it was the Tom Swift novels by Victor Appleton I read as a young boy, or television like Lost in Space and Star Trek. More recently, I have devoured film series like Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Lord of the Rings. That fascination is combined with a keen interest in cosmology, astrophysics, quantum physics, and spirituality.

That quirky combination along with the fantasy genre allows me to craft stories that reinforce the importance of family, friendship, and love. The protagonists must overcome incredible danger and challenges to survive their journeys, but eventually end up on top. It goes without saying that as a finance guy, my life has been less action-packed than my characters (thank goodness).

With Carl Prescott and The Sleeping One, I ventured back to comfortable territory. Many of my stories reinforce our direct connection to the Divine. While that is an element of this story, the sequels feature that relationship to a much greater extent. That element in my stories is an homage to what I believe really matters in this life.

I am the son of an Air Force pilot and as such, I have lived in many places, never for more than four years at a time. Thankfully, as an adult, I have lived in Chula Vista, CA for the past thirty-seven years. I met and married Aida, the love of my life, thirty years ago. Our grown children have made us grandparents four times over. It is a blessing to be around such wonderful parents and children.

My new goal is life is my stories. I hope you can follow me on this new adventure.


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Twitter handle: @karljmorgan


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Lastly, Karl is a member of the best book club ever – RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB #RRBC! If you’re looking for amazing support as an author, or if you simply love books, JOIN US! We’d love to have you!

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